Wednesday 11 February 2009

abstract 1st draft - rough rough rough

Just had another meeting with Paul today as yesterdays didn't go too well and I feel I'd taken 2 steps back in my project. However after todays meeting I'm feeling a lot better and much more focused on the project. I showed him a new but very very rough abstract to try and describe what the project is about as it was hard to visualise yesterday:

"Research has shown that by simplifying a character's design to it's most minimilistic form it is possible for it to appeal to a global audience despite cultural differences.
Is it then possible to further develop these principles to produce a narrative animation which would result in having the same response and united understanding? If so what fundamental attributes would be used to do so?"

Now I just need to refine my question to suit this abstract as its currently in the form of:

"Is it possible to establish fundamental principles of expressing both character and narrative through the use of abstracted aural and visual imagery within the context of globally consumed animation?"

Instead of focusing too much on the question just now, Paul has advised me to use the rough abstract as my blue print and to produce a rough layout of my dissertation, perhaps with a few starter paragraphs for each section.

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