Tuesday 17 February 2009

Uber sigh and a half!!!

Thank god!!! Just had a meeting with Paul and after last week's panic attack I'm feeling a LOT better and heaps more focused! After all those failed questions, we fiiiinally agree on one:

"In an ever globalised market where advertisers and entertainment industries and constantly aiming to successfully maximise their target audience, is it possible to communicate inclusively on a global scale through narrative animation?"

I've completed the very rough structure of my dissertation with starter paragraphs for each section, just to get it blocked out so it's not so daunting to work at now.

On the practical side of things I've been working on solely the characters, so recently I've been looking into environment design. I've mainly been looking at Disney examples where the majority of the animations show that the background is much more simplistic so that the viewers attention isn't stolen away from the action however in Sleeping Beauty it shows that the background is actually a lot more intricately detailed than the characters, however despite this the characters do still stand out more as their design is very plain and simplistic. As my character designs are rather simplistic this approach may be the one to follow however I'm going to experiment around to see which looks better.

10 weeks to go =( chug chug chug!


  1. cooool, a really good question. exactly what i think we were meaning but put into words. brilliant! ^-^
